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Exemple : Brighton 

Past response to the threat of erosion at New Brighton has included the practice of beach scraping. Beach scraping is the mechanical movement of sand from the intertidal zone and placement of this sand onto the dune. The practice is designed to speed up the rebuilding of the dune system post-storm event.  It can also be used to assist in the reshaping and rebuilding of a dunal system at any other time to protect coastal lands from coastal erosion, underlying shoreline recession, wave overtopping and inundation.

 Machinery at work during beach scraping (Byron Shire Council 2013)

Beach scraping was used during the late 1970s to 1990s as a strategy to combat the threat of significant erosion events (WRL 2010).  Works continued into the early 1990s in combination with an active dune care campaign, and were successful in enhancing the storm buffer provided by the dunes. 

La commune de Wissant a maintenant l'autorisation administrative pour procéder à cette opération de protection du trait de cote.

Nous attendons tous une prochaine mise en oeuvre !